meow…and grr…

by kairo

Posted to Action Poetry on 2001-07-16 18:17:00

Parent message is 13309
i wish you knew me and i knew you without this screen. i’m sure we’d be very different than what we mentally perceive. i have said nothing badly toward you or your ego. just so you know, i have been hurt by your accusations and words…so i guess ‘boo hoo’…too damn sensitive for my own good. i have a very little ego…maybe that’s why it’s so easy for it to be trompled upon…and why i react from the gut on things. i have little and hold onto it dearly. shoulder shrug. i don’t understand this conversation we’ve just had very well. i admitted that…so therefore admit fault. what is more important than anything to me is that i can express how i feel. perhaps i’m failing in that and need to reconsider how to express anything. i don’t know.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.