nothing to lose

by kairo

Posted to Action Poetry on 2001-06-22 19:46:00

oh, god, your eyes,
(fuck it)
don’t stop
just talk into my space
that has been empty
for this so long time.
tell me lies
decorate this air with voice
of you,
oh god, your lips,
(fuck it)
let me fall into you
brushing lace against
denim knees
laughing because of my clutter
of mind
touching your back
as you stand on the block
looking back at me in
what is that question.
fuck it,
in hours we’ll be entwined
your tounge on my collar bone
my hair sliding over your shoulders
fingers in mouths
body parts pressed against
body parts pressed against
body parts.
yes, just because i saw
your lips move
your eyes blink,
and thought
i have nothing to lose
as i put my hand in yours
walking under a rustling tree
pressing my back onto your stomach
looking at you with those eyes
watching you lean down into me
inching your mouth onto mine
there would be no going back.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.