fuck the committee

by jota

Posted to Action Poetry on 2002-05-25 09:20:00

fuck the committee
i fucking quit the committee
but the committee didn’t quit me
nothing great comes out of committee
except maybe the bill of rights
and the space shot to the moon but
did a committee write catcher in the rye?
not quite
but a shitload of uptight editors tried to touch it
yoke it choke it
rob and drown its essence
fucking yew norkers
the world won’t let you ever forget
you’re part of the committee
like it or not
your island is touched
by tigers and sharks
and all the phony jerks
who sniff up your leg
and dare to compare
the color of your car
it’s make
and the shoes that you wear
all made by committee
goddam committee kid
you’re caught in its grasp
and you don’t get out
until your last gasp

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.