the mind of a drifter:

by lawrence

Posted to Action Poetry on 2001-05-02 11:04:00

the mind of a drifter
has begotten my soul,
as the flouresent sun haunts
our kingdom of dirt,
and fades from every
relevant thought
to pictures of freedom,
to our roads not taken,
to our blistering release of
regimental confinement,
and that one fine day
when all is destroyed;
we begin again.

the machines of existence
have forsaken our gods,
in a submission of lifelessness
and conscious regret,
as the children of robots
wait with open arms,
and rise on the metallic
wings of a new day,
to clones more impressive than humankind,
to a life of electric daydreams,
and that one fine day
when all is destroyed;
we begin again

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.