i dunno

by newSkinjoy98

Posted to Action Poetry on 2002-06-29 21:56:00

Parent message is 222006
i dont think people take me seriously, i am such an idiot! i d i o t…… the only time i feel comfortable is by myself, because nobody ever gave a damn about me anyway….that’s it! i feel comfortable in my own mind and besides, what good does saying anything good to anybody do anyway? just alot of pain, no one wants to acknowledge me for if they did, it would be horrible silence anyway, contrary to those who think people who write are great conversationalists, it is wrong, i shut up all my life and now what? i am quiet dead quiet, if you saw me on a face to face basis i would be too shy to even say a word to you, i am vocally retarded, meaning i cannot speak, and writing if at least in one respect is a way to alleviate that……….

i think i forget i am posting this personal shit for everyone to see, i dont even think about it here…….

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.