autumn poetry challenge (edited)

by kairo

Posted to Action Poetry on 2002-09-23 08:22:00

before you go
with ghost of summer
floating on the wind
carried by the boat
of a crinkling maple leaf
take my hand
(mitten covered and sweet)
while we walk —
our words formed
with icy breath
in the space before us.
let me dance a circle around you
with my fingers sliding
in an orb at your waist,
the leaves falling around us
(walnuts littering the yard)
brown and orange
and smiles in burnt reds
plum purples decorating the windows.
before you go
kiss me goodbye
like the summer which is flirting with your heart
like the autumn falling in love with you
and i…
i’m falling..
into your arms
with a chill in the air
and a song of you
on my lips
and a wish for burning leaves
to settle
in your heart.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.