First attempt by a total amateur (be nice)

by Mystery White Boy

Posted to Action Poetry on 2002-10-24 12:32:00


Sit by myself and yet I’m not lonely
Put me in a crowded room and solitude descends
Adrift in a sea of laughing masks, I sit and watch
I feel no connection at all to these hollow shells that call themselves my friends
Always outside looking in, I see angels that forgot how to fly
As they dribble inanities and laugh at themselves
I feel like the invisible man, they forget I’m even there
ask and they’ll say “yeah him he’s alright, he’s a nice guy”
Well nice guys finish last, we all know that
If I could show them the depths of the pit of my soul maybe they’d think twice
More likely they’d push out further than I already am
So each day I fix my mask and brace my spirit for thee fight
Before I face the mob one more time
And by night I sit in the shadows and stare into the abyss of my emotion
Looking for those angels that know how to fly

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.