Uh oh

by Robertsnw

Posted to Action Poetry on 2001-09-15 09:47:00

postcards of places that never existed
never never land
never is right
peter pan was gay
happy little fairy though
all high as fuck with his happy thoughts
but eyes open instead of my slants
conventional china man
no racial pun intended
let it be
freedom of something
all these bodies in rubble and were still writing
should we pause?
Should I
The proud young military man sailor
Should I stop for a second
Think not
were the real newscasters of the world
just ain’t got the tv station
never meet face to face
throwin scribbled napkins across contintents
‘Message in the bottle’
not the movie but Sting
carnival music
wanna ride

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.