death by consumption

by Illuminara

Posted to Action Poetry on 2002-12-22 10:23:00

drunken obligation
sets the roudiest loose among
the decked-out halls
of retail stores,
red-nosed, baggy-eyed
dependencies of culture

the spirit of giving
abosorbed into the bloodstream like
a pathogen of “should”

what is a gift
that its gain should bring
such hangover?
and the right to each receiver’s
wrong brand, wrong style,
not the proper color,
a “gift receipt” gives license to say
in the most respectful way,
“thanks but, no thanks,
you SHOULDN’T have!”

and advertisements speak of
“perfect gifts”
as though intention is not pure
though it’s been tainted
by guilt of wealth
and paper money enough
to burn

expectations make the gift
something other
than what it really

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