at the water’s edge

by kairo

Posted to Action Poetry on 2003-02-12 18:10:00

walking through the seasons of your eyes
i gather myth and mist in my hands of stone.
you flow in and through
like sand
amidst the mounds of unshakable countries.
meet me at the water’s edge,
my love,
with hearts soaring on wings of glass
and toes dancing on waves of oceanic tides.
do you love me
with these arms outstretched
like a floating crucifixion
carrying the wind of your breath
in the cradle of my longing?
my skinking of soul and fidelity
is anchored to your gentility
while i watch you twist in the storm
hearing your piano tune faintly…faintly.
will you watch me crush my body
drain my heart of pulp and juice
tap my brain of all the words depicting you?
or will you gather me in your fashioned unbuckling
as a baby with shivering flesh and bone
needing the warmth of a godly protector?
what will you do
when i have the courage to look you in the eye
and hand it over
(my heart and torment)
with full surrender and abandon?
what will you do?
what will you do then?

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