The fundamental problem with me is…

by Miss_Ella

Posted to Action Poetry on 2003-06-14 14:41:00

“Your words … are … very symetrical”
…Gee… thanks.
I love you too.
“Did anyone ever tell you, you say and far too much”
“And stuff.”
“You also say ‘stuff’ too much”
“But other than that, you’re lovely.”
“And now I’ve offended you.”
“You’re far too easy to offend, y’know”
Hmm, so you’ve said. Several times.
“Oh, sorry. Am I repeating myself? Does that bother you?”
Would you care if I said yes?
Ok, then…yes.
“OH! I bother you, I bother YOU!? Well, while we’re on the subject, you generally annoy the hell out of me.”
Fair enough.

So I walk away. And you’re left there… open mouthed. Wondering how I could dare to leave you there.
I have a smile on my face.
And stuff.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.