3am poem

by Robertsnw

Posted to Action Poetry on 2001-10-25 04:57:00

she comes to me at night
when i’m sleeping
with a thousand encylopedia britanica
and the random sizes of fruit
which doesn’t help
she comes to me at night
with moist lips kneeding my earlobes
soft i i love you’s
steaming against me
stirring me
and how that should be enough
to get eyes out of the back of my head
peeping past
paranoid of retribution
to go jump on the treadmill
without safety bars
head up not measuring distances
I mumble
roll over to be kissed by pillows
who don’t care either way
she comes to me with warm fingers
on the scars of my knees from childhood
holes of rock and glass battles
picked up
and submerged in luke warm bath water
and pulled out with tweasers
by the hands of my loving nurse mother
she wakes me up in the morning
opening blinds and reminding me i’m saved
just gotta open my eyes
quit hiding in dreams
and remember

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.