Don’t get me wrong, I think a lot of Sufies

by vincy

Posted to Action Poetry on 2001-10-25 14:47:00

Parent message is 48116
It was a Sufi gathering
few years back
A friend asked me to check it out
We do Zikir he said
maybe you could join.
There was a discourse going on
the master was a dervish
talking about God, he said
you must fear Allah.
The crowd hundred strong
good humble falk
devoated dervishes
listening with awe.
I butted in abrupt
cutting off the master
voiced my point of view.
“You can’t fear what you love
they are not competible
fear destroys love”
There was silence for a long while
nobody dared breathe
I had broken protocole.
Finally the master spoke
he had his composure
” One must fear losing Allah” he said
“by comitting a sin,
that is what I meant”
I walked out of that room
but before so I had my say
“Look what you,ve done baba dervish
you should have said so in the first place
I was going to Zikir with you
instead I am going to dance loose
may Allah stay with you”.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.