Warm buns and love cd’s

by magic love

Posted to Action Poetry on 2003-07-21 16:40:00

I’ve been in bed
coughing and wheezing
slightly diseasing
and the world outside
is cold

Last Friday I brightened
no longer frightened
reading alot for the hell
of why not

Suddenly a chicken
came clucking to my back door
“who’s that?” asked my flatmate
“David, who else would be clucking?”
and into my boudoir he walked

Flung a cd at me
and offered me lollies
grinning when I said
I have the black plague

“Mandy put something on your feet!”
“Clean your cd’s!”
“Light your fire woman
have you got wood?”

“Nag nag nag”
sigh “Yes man!”
on his radio show
this goes out to
the bun in the oven
keep it warm!

The cd…four songs
“the love I have for you is so deep
I think I feel you in my sleep….
I want you in my world, need you in my world”

This could be love

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