my virgo tiger neighbour (part two)

by magic love

Posted to Action Poetry on 2003-10-17 03:12:00

the old hippy
cleaning out my barn
sitting in my garden
laying on the charm
his house like mine
his girls and my kids
get on fine
we sang the old sixties songs
insence burns at our places
we have our drums
to fill the empty spaces
our little commune
we work together in harmony
our kids and us together
forming unity
I blasted him with santana
while he cut up my tree
we race each other out the drive
off to school are we
tis nice where I am living
and Jay does up the barn
coffee and cigarettes
over a bit of a yarn
he’s not moving for
a long time yet
which I think is great
for I am the mother figure
and he is the father figure
and here there is our slate
so our community
gets closer
and who was it when I was sick
who took my children
lit my fire
and brought me soup?
My virgo tiger neighbour
he’s a total brick

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.