Sestina of Lonliness(well, part of it)

by anavia

Posted to Action Poetry on 2003-11-03 19:44:00

A long time ago I was lonely
But had time to stare at the lovely
Sky that seemed to take me attention and lock
It away for minutes or hours or longer,
Until I received that letter
That made me question and look for lies.

Sometimes at night I go outside and lie
In the dark, until I feel so lonely
That I write meaningful love letters
To my friends and family who are lovely
People and who I miss. I haven’t seen them in a long
Time, but can still picture my sister’s curly locks.

But they are in the past, locked
Away with memories that are unclear, that lie
Low to make me feel secure. It helps, but I still long
For a smile, a hug from my mother. I am lonely,
But try to go through each day being lovely.
I still try to find an answer to the letter.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.