vicarious confrontation

by sasha

Posted to Action Poetry on 2003-11-30 12:41:00

Parent message is 552242
so you’re back in town;
how swell.
i thought you’d taken a vow
never to return here.

somehow always finding a way
to infiltrate my life.
betrayal after betrayal
and now?

i would tell you i would lie some more
if i had lied in the first place,
and i would say i cared
if i cared for you anymore
and i would repeat all those thing you told me
under stars and beneath trees and
shrouded in blankets
if it even mattered

to me now
to you then
to the rest of the world.

let’s just say
“have a nice life”
and be done with it.

even if you don’t care.
even if i couldn’t care less.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.