malevolent idiot

by 4 degrees

Posted to Action Poetry on 2003-12-29 08:26:00

here i am
once again
really curious
how did my thinking
get so incredibly
what the hell happened
did i ever know any better
or did i just
enter this plain
not knowing shit
and then knowing
even less as time passed
and i grew
and i aged
and the truths i now
believe in
are all lies my
mind has whispered to me
or shouted at me
whatever the particular
case was that
particular day
the flower of a small
child’s mind
has faded and
decomposed and
gone on to generate
the bullshit weeds
that grow so
abundantly now
never to recapture
that little flower
that some say once was

did you like the boots?
i hope you liked the boots.
thats as close to me
as you ever need to get

i will continue to confuse
myself and all others
i will continue to construct
the wall going up
even as i speak
even as you listen
even as i take my
tool in hand and
find a moment of relief

oh, so short lived.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.