a beautiful lament-song, trucker!

by visions

Posted to Action Poetry on 2001-12-25 15:53:00

Parent message is 82371
singing, why not on Litkicks site, helps to get over the sorrow, then one can go on one’s daily life rid of the burden, at least if the loss had been too sudden or violent, well it does not have to be something pretty, just spontaneous expression of what you would like to say to the dead loved-one, as if he was still living, or left half an hour ago, so you kind of reach to him and speak to him like to a living person, and while singing you can let all your emotions free, the most skillful lament/chant singers also develop quite genuine tears, weeping, but it’s not desperate but hopeful “contact”, but don’t do it if you don’t feel like doing, you know best when to do it… thanks for telling me about your loss, dear trucker, – Maria

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.