the summer song was pretty cool

by AlexanderWillBe

Posted to Action Poetry on 2001-08-31 00:22:00

the summer song is beatiful
i realise as i sing it aloud
i can hear it it’s everywhere
all around me spinning
i’m spinning on my chair.

the keys striking themselves
low and deep and slow
sings the left
a backgroung hymn humming

the right jumping joyously above and beyond
a high dance, lifting you always
ever changing
better and better and faster they dance
and the left keeps going
pushing you gently down the river
of the summer song
the summer breeze blowing
the summer bird’s serenade
the summer flowers swaying
look around
you can see it
how sweet it is
tune yourself to the music
reach far
you can touch the summer song

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.