i have a question..

by justalil

Posted to Feedback on 2003-01-09 20:50:00

Parent message is 355713
i saw what happened and it seems that he annoyed someone enough to get him deleted. i noticed that he asked a simple question before he learned about what happened to his work. now i’m not sure what questions are safe to ask.

if these slight annoyances cause a drastic measure (which is what deletion was described as by at least one member of the staff), then why aren’t mindlessness on utterances, poems on utterances, mindlessness on action poetry, and flames on all boards reason to delete repeat offenders? these last few happenings seem more drastic to me than the simple question that andrew asked earlier. i’m simply confused about what’s allowable here.


The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.