I want

by poildecarotte

Posted to Indies on 2003-09-07 02:44:00

Parent message is 509486
to be a good writer. First, foremost.
then, well…i might be very old and wise and beardy by the time it comes, so i guess ill become a wise, old man.
Oh, it’s really hard. I never tried getting published, but i know i write things to be read, before litkicks, always the same person were reading my things, and welcomed them with lukewarm enthusiasm, not going further than “i like it” or “i don’t” or “what does this mean? (this question is actually a good one)
As i know myself, i shouldnt worry too much about getting published, i just feel like writing is embedded with my life right now – so it better stay like that. I guess im gonna make my own chapbooks, and work, work, work, and read books hoping i ll find the same thrill Ive had with Kerouac, Celine, the thrill that makes me want to continue, that makes me less lonely and more responsible.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.