My own futile response~

by mtmynd

Posted to Indies on 2003-12-30 18:57:00

Parent message is 572597
I can only speak for myself regarding the folowing comments (obviously!):

The trend as of late is one of shyness or worse, misundestanding of the intent of poems, both action and thought over “Poetry”.

I, too, cannot help but notice a lack of comraderie amongst the present group. This may be to many different reasons… my own take would be:

(1) the newer folks come in a bit (possibly) intimidated from many high quality posts, and do not feel comfortable with any feedback (other than the occasional: “I liked this” type of thing), and thereby maintain a low posture. I, too, came into this forum with the same intimidations, but shortly felt welcomed by many others.

(2) I often wonder the age group of many new posters. Not that age should have any bearing towards the content of their posts, but when another may reply towards their posts, their acceptance (or lack thereof) is not really (thru their wording at least) appreciative, for lack of a better word. Many new posters have an “attitude”, I guess I may say (without any cruelty, please)… just an unsuredness of what and how they are replying or commenting.

(3) When I came on this board, many years ago it seems in recollection, I felt an obligation to reply to things that seemed to me to be worthy of a comment… and in doing so I eventually felt drawn into the group (yea, not everyone, of course), but a sense of ease and relaxation – a spirit of joy, if you will. I recall many a day or night when it seemed that all the participants “Played Response” with each others posts… it was a grand old time (hah!). Those little magical moments seem far and wide as of late.

True, it is interesting to notice the differences, but I cannot say whether the differences are better or worse. These differences may be just a “sign of the times” so to speak… and not the fault of anything else. I don’t know.

There definitely is a “rebel curse” that runs thru this place, apparent quite frequently if you were to read (or attempt to) the Flames board or Mindless or even Utterances on occasion which are (in my memory anyway) much more frequent than times passed.

But there are indeed many a fine writer on Litkicks, many that are overlooked, many that have a wonderful future… and as always, these are the ones that make this joint what it is… IMHO.

Good to see you again!

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.