Thanks, Judih. Thanks, Doreen.

by Sharik

Posted to Indies on 2004-01-04 13:03:00

Parent message is 575212
Yeah, I think a rotating set of poems might work.

I know that ‘a committee’ sounds awful, but I think the poems need to be *selected* to assure that the opportunity to have a poem analysed is passed around to new people AND so that poems that have enough gravitas are being analysed.

Some poems on the boards are simple, rude and crude — which is great — but these are not good subjects for analysis. There’s not any nuance or subtlety; there’s not anything difficult being attempted; the poet didn’t take much time conceiving it or writing it or mulling over the selection of each word. It seems to me that if we were to restrict the number of poems selected, employing judgment of some sort by someone or some group is better than “first come; first served.”

One problem with this, though, is how does a poet prominently announce that he/she is posting a new draft of the poem such that the conversation/posts abandon looking at earlier drafts and focus, then, on the new draft for their commentary?

Basically, how do you ‘impose’ a more conversation-like process to the board?

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.