while i wait for the train to pass

by redwyrd

Posted to Poetry on 2002-06-13 16:15:00

a cloud like a dragons head
it’s about to eat the Sun
No! it’s a swan winged ship,
sailing to carry him away
No! a viking longboat,
come to plunder His golden rays…
can we survive as this Shadow covers us?
will we curl up in fear (like a dead spider)
and cry?
will we run and loot?
steal the souls of the living saints?
will we call on the scientists,
the proffessors, the scholors?
will they tell us in thier manifold, sparkling,
rainbow wisdoms
that it is this… that it is that…
that they don’t know what this is?
or, maybe
No One will even look up and Notice Our Doom

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.