Castration in a Futuristic Society

by stevend

Posted to Poetry on 2001-07-29 02:45:00

Castration in a Futuristic Society

” . . . they bit off his cock today.”
“The New CorpoGovernment! Who else?”
“Well, I guess he won’t do that anymore.”
“Not with his cock anyway!”
Both women stared down into the simmering ragout in the communal cooking Natatorium.
“See there, I told you we should have killed’em before we cooked’em.” She said lastly, with a wry Somalikesmile in the cloudy-washed-out-dark light of that futuristic society to come.

-excerpt from The CooK
– Stevn Howard Debrecki

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.