my reward

by long distance drunk

Posted to Poetry on 2002-11-19 14:11:00

is silence for waiting for your call
and waiting in silence waiting
for your voice waiting to hear
the words i wait for you to say
waiting still until they don’t come
and my brain strains to break
the chains of natural laws to come up
with this distorted image of fractured
quantum mechanics in this dream
i wait to come true in the silence
i wait in after your voice
waiting for the next time
to be rewarded with silence
and slightly filled with an
empty hope that this will all
someday slip back into orbit
and shine for the cosmos to see
and people will wait through the silence
of time til our star’s twinkle
passes through their jealous pupils
and until then i wait with them
in the silence of anticipation
and the pitfall aftermath of unmet expectations.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.