velvet night

by onthebus2002

Posted to Poetry on 2001-09-22 09:40:00

Now that time has swept me by,
and there’s seasons change in the air,
I feel winters grasp as I open my eyes,
an echo of tomorrow,
on this velvet night.

Taken gently by the night,
I’ll surrender yet again,
For who can catch those dreams but me,
with both eyes open I step forward,
and say YES!.

An angel took the day away,
and left me with this dream,
Life breathes heavey in my ear,
A chilling tale to welcome winter.

For time has shown me all I know,
With baited breath I’ll love again,
Another breath, another dream, moves steadily with day.
I’m dreaming with those angels,

and theres nothing more to say.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.