
by shishi

Posted to Poetry on 2002-12-28 23:40:00

{ [ ( i should write this all in brackets
hide it all behind a shroud of
mysterious parentheses
because these words are not important enough
to be granted prime position
to be bestowed with capital letters.
i will add instructions to be followed:
“these words
just mutter them quietly
almost a whisper;
that is all they deserve:
a murmur under the breath”
they are just the distracting wallpaper background
wedged between amalgams of Vowels
and dirty Consonants arranged in
symmetrical rhythmic Sentences
that Heads perk up to receive
that Ears yearn to hear
in steady routine vibrations
collected in unconscious zombie wanderings
almost like simple pick of nose or
casual rearrangement of testicles;
do as They say:
protect the perfect jelly mould
of your frail shack
don’t let my aimless mutterings
let you wander from the
arduous task of
preserving your lie
your lie which keep you aLIvE.

so don’t listen to these words
let them roll past you
in smooth ebbs
you can tell yourself
they are mere decoration
just a momentary flush of variety
to be swashed together
with every other utterance
and bland opinion
and fanatical dogma
to form our Beautiful Plural Postmodern World
where we tolerate everyone and everything
but love nothing
and think nothing.

i have listened to Their Words
i have let the waves of seduction wash and coddle
my mangled brain;
that is why i know
these words are insignificant
that is why i know
you will ignore these senseless indulgent mumblings
that is why i know
you will now go
back to scrubbing the
dried up shit from
your husband’s y-fronts
you will now go
revise your useless trivia for tonight’s
quiz show on the box
you will now go
flick through the gossip pages
of your city’s rag
and glow and smile in awe of
today’s beauty queen glamour dress
and you will forget I ever spoke
these bracketed whispered
buried words. ) ] }


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