next year

by darkblood

Posted to Poetry on 2002-12-29 02:55:00

next year i’m gonna smile more
and next year i’m gonna love more
and next year i’m not gonna cry so much so often
and next year i’m not gonna hurt so much so often
and next year i’m gonna make him love me
and next year i’m gonna hate less
and next year i’m gonna forget and forgive
and next year i’m gonna hope more
and next year i’m gonna grow up and grow out of this narrow skin of mine
and next year i’m gonna break each and every promise i’ve made now
i’m not gonna smile or love
i’m still gonna cry and hurt
he’s not gonna love me, my hate will grow deeper, i’m not gonna forget or forgive
i’m not gonna regain my hope and i’m gonna be the same scared child trapped inside the same narrow skin
i’m gonna stay the same and live the same miserable life i love so much
by the side of the same people i love so much or hate so badly…..
next year’s just gonna be a copy of this year, and of the year before it and of the year before that and i’m just gonna be a copy of the person i am now and of the person i was last year and of the person i was the year before that…nothing changes in this mary-go-round that makes me dizzy and gives me a nauseating feeling and makes me wanna puke


The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.