
by jstro13

Posted to Poetry on 2003-03-02 21:15:00

Walking home, nights dark, gloomy
Look up, there’s that sky again…
Sky stares down, watches….
Feelings of comfort overcome body
Walk more till destination is in site.

Awkward feeling yet comforting
Tingles down spine.
Destination is past on right,
Walk further, as comfort feeling
Leaves tracks of curiosity.

Heart races, yet feeling safety unaltered
Wondering, wandering, searching
Hi and low for an answer.
Sky from above clears,
Wind from earth brushes cheek
Breeze, like kiss journey continues.

Walking to the thud- thump of heart beat
Rhythm from inside creates a subconscious
Map in brain. Something says, “Sky spies down,
Sees all, sends message.”
Message received.

Rhythmic map diverged from subconscious
Leads feet to concrete and stone slabs
In grass at night. Creepy for some,
But feelings of comfort
From sky watching down for me…
She just wanted to say hi…

Joshua A. Ferrer

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.