oh,man, hed

by rain70

Posted to Poetry on 2003-04-13 10:41:00

Parent message is 425218
First…SO sorry for your temporary setback…

This too shall pass. I, too, read your new work when it’s posted. I always enjoy it. Always.

Yeah, da booze can get on top of ya. I had to cut it out.
My writing was suffering. So was my health. Relationships.


You know what? I think that “career” that I was refering to was just LIFE. I was a fucking walking dead zombie for a whole lotta years…now everything is different. Scary. That “career” says – “That guy… he’s the clue, the detritus, the scraps, the blood satin, the stain of fruit on eternities’ lips. He can solve it all because he caused it all!!!!”

(I don’t know, man. I like being abstract in my work so people can fill in the blanks…)


Stay in touch, hed. Let me know what’s up. Keep the faith.


The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.