Bull Foot edited version

by Boom tin dog

Posted to Poetry on 2003-06-21 21:01:00

(Dedicated to someone I use to work for.)

Deafening trumps of self proclaimed worth
Peal thunderously across the otherwise friendly conversation.
I must be hard of hearing,
Or weak of understanding,
Or just plain stupid.

Blow your own horn if you so desire.
It’s all just noise to me.
Another obstacle to wade around
As I trudge through the quagmire of arrogance
And complacency between my mind and yours.

I’m happy that you’re satisfied with yourself.
I’m Really Sorry if my imperfections offend you.
With that apology out of the way,
Will you excuse me while I scrape the shit off of my boot?

Nov. 1, 2001

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.