comets crashing

by celeste

Posted to Poetry on 2003-10-03 06:22:00

they say life begins with friction
combustion is the breath of God
you lose me when we disagree
like most, i toddle to the land of nod
if friction is, then what is left
we dawdle, waiting to be invited
you talk to me, i talk to you
our words are so damned blighted
sad, sad infants, when all boils down
give me, give me, give me
but all are united by nature’s good worth
cosmic, otherwordly
we bow in praise
of beautiful days
that is what we long for
to be relieved of these despicable ways
of druggery, take us to heaven, presently
a beautiful face, good god, such grace
intoxicants we say our prayers for
life is hard, but lovely, too
it’s the disposition, we are so aware of

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