freedom is a slippery thing to grasp

by coke-line carl

Posted to Poetry on 2004-03-03 22:14:00

Parent message is 612987
you think you have it in day to day life and then something smacks you like a freight train full of dangerous and very expensive komodo dragons. doctors study their mouths because at one point they thought that the komodo had one of the most deadly venoms in the world. an escapee from the dragons grasp would fall about a day later from bite wounds. but later they found out that their mouths are really the most concentrated culture of bacteria and infectuous agents in the animal world. so they decided that they could find out how the dragons could carry all that filth in their mouths without becoming infected.

seems to me that it would be much easier and effective to study lawyers……whoops went on a tangent…sorry

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.