in response to teddie bear patriarchie

by xspacex2

Posted to Poetry on 2001-11-18 15:34:00

eight ieears aphter the aphrican gorilla had been recorded as being discovered, white ideals phinallie killed one–the lust oph an individual to exert supremacie in the great order oph liphes natural cycle–the taxidermie oph a nation, the stuphphing oph western beliephs–the ecosiestem oph taking phor the redistribution oph mass moneie making consumption. phasion ieourselph, conditioned according to capitalism–pull out the philler and our phacade will phinallie phall. So to the great order oph naturalness, mount me picture, bronze me phorm, paint me inevitable downphall. cieborg warlord oph earthlie inquisitiveness, stale me black-eieed and bruised above the earths mantle. depict me in the bio-terrarium oph dollar bill lion-cloth commercialism. cross me upside-down prodding the quarter horse oph christ. i am man, digitalize me “barbaric ieelp.”
“?portaless what was hhuu-mmaann?”

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.