Hold them fold them walk away

by Kristopher

Posted to Poetry on 2004-06-03 17:29:00

Black Jack: You can only touch the cards with one hand.
Craps: No holding cups when you’re throwing dice.
Roulette: No phones at the table, and no changing the bet one the ball has hit a peg.

No changing, the smokey air for fresh.
No winning back your loses
No tossing in the towel and walking away.
We dont come here to gamble we come here to lose.
And I mean more than money.

Free drinks come faster when you tip well, and losing is easier drunk.
I can’t see the sky for hours at atime, but at least I know the rules.

I know when to hold, when to toss in the cards.
Inside it so much easier than out there;
with the cars and trees battling, my inner self whispering-pushing for something better.

In this smokey hell I know the games, and for a while I can play well. Pay well to escape.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.