
by jotadavida

Posted to Poetry on 2002-01-10 15:08:00

I have seen the stranded faces of the night
Shambling along rain slicked streets
Soldier ghosts
Blackened faces
Empty streets and cardboard boxes

I have seen the armies of the night
The endless plodding, the search to eat
Madmen barking
Hair gone white
What they eat they drink with fright

I have fed the armies of the night
Stalks of corn turned into shining water
crusted fingers
toothless grins
Where the water rises they drown in sleep

If you shield your eyes from the armies of the night
They will rise upon your ears
scraping shuffling
face no more
Covered ears can’t stop the din they roar

The armies of the night
They trod upon the dying grass of my heart
and stalk me in my sleep

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