Thanks for this new board and. . .

by jr_macd

Posted to Poetry and Politics on 2002-05-26 23:16:00

Parent message is 193455
as for the ?

“Don’t glorify heroes,
And people will not contend.
Don’t treasure rare objects,
And no one will steal.
Don’t display what people desire,
And their hearts will not be disturbed.

The Sage Rules
By emptying hearts and filling bellies,
By weakening ambitions and strenthening bones;
Lead people
Away from knowing and wanting;
Deters those who know to much
From going too far:
Practices non-action
And the natural order is not disrupted.”

-Tao, Ch. 3

All easier said than done of course.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.