don’t be distracted by flashy ads

by rastaruined

Posted to Poetry and Politics on 2003-01-27 18:55:00

I killed a man because i was
i support terrorists
i drive an SUV.
Maybe these are valid points
don’t forget that someone was
paid alot of money to put those images
in your mind
there is no real support for any of it
what there is support for is
all the twisted shit that the CIA
and your government has done
and is about to do.
Hell yes it is old news but
then why is it not one person talks of change.
freedumb has it’s costs
for one your freedom
all kinds of wiretaps and home invasions
are happening right now
in the name of freedom.
well why is it that CANADA
isn’t under attack?
maybe because they haven’t lost a solider in combat
since korea.
oh wait the u.s. is a killer of friends and enemies
those two speed fiends they call officers
blew those poor canucks straight home in body bags
accident or just fucking stupidity.
well those speed fiends will get the chair
and G.W is going to draft all poor assholes to
protect him and his daddy
don’t forget old junior’s record either
he served his time out in texas
doing coke.
while the poor draft victims
the worlds history is a circle.
i believe the loop will be complete when
the greed powered liars that rule
us as elected officers
but treat everyone like serfs
are living in fear of the common man.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.