she is important

by Jimboloco

Posted to Poetry and Politics on 2004-01-01 08:38:00

Parent message is 573168
absolutely. like i like jane fonda for who she is. and earth mother. and whoopie. and a lot of unsung mommas. power to the womenfolk.

she is very real. not some goddamned authoritarian father figure. no thanks. no more abrahams. no more moseses.

no more mohammeds.
or jesuses. or buddhas. or krishnas.
not without their sisters. not without the sisters.

oh sister of abraham, when will you be recalled?
trumpet the sisters of moses who long were walled
off from knowledge their lives unknown
mere extras like krishna’s cowgirls or
mohammed’s wife or abraham’s wondering
if she could have pleasure an old maid
her surrogate childbearer a non entity
save for some scurrelous bit of jealousy
that set apart two tribes on male descendants
whose legacy is terror hatred lunacy
oh sisters wives mothers.
the word “he” the word “man” the word “mankind”
what never held loving caring but fought
commanded / built destroyed/ killed
wrote his stories?
never apologise for inclusion of woman.
strong women. women who piss men off.
but shave your legs, please.
somethings i just can’t get used to.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.