the Kerry / Democratic momentum

by karmacoupe

Posted to Poetry and Politics on 2004-03-04 20:40:00

3 stories in the last couple days illustrative of point

1. aristede’s departure from haiti — should all be good, u.s. comes in as heroes etc. a la clinton, but no. allegations of orchestrating the ouster, and lawless chaos surrounding the whole thing. whatever roll the u.s. played,
instead of it being a good story of leadership for the white house, the lead story is the allegations of u.s. orchestration.
whether true or not, this shouldn’t happen — and point is, both the press and the public are all too ready to go with it and accept it as fact. this wouldn’t happen under any of the last three presidents.
an easy pip-squeak grenada operation that clinton handled like a typical pro, and this when the white house is DESPERATE for an international leadership story, not only does the stones-throw neighbor fall into murder and civil
unrest, but the white house is accused of starting it.
a soft ball 1, and they pop out.

2. the new republican ads featuring 9/11 shots. again, just a sign that the country has turned against them — rather than people supporting our ‘war time’ president, there is outrage and disgust across the spectrum — and again, rather than this being a time when the hero president presents his accomplishments to inaugurate his campaign, he’s attacked as soon as he opens his campaign mouth.
it reminds me of marcia clark beginning her opening statement in the o.j. circus — how she was interrupted and couldn’t get a whole sentence out.
couldn’t even BEGIN to make her case. and ultimately never did.
again, what you see here is a country and a media that just “ain’t buyin it” these are the opening nice-guy ads, and he can’t even play them.
the lead story is “Bush is exploiting 9/11”
not the intended “Bush is Ike & FDR and the hero general at the wheel”
this is what i mean about the tide has turned
a whiff strike-out on another wide open batters-choice pitch

and 3) the computer filegate story of the repub. staffers reading dem. files.

if this had broke under clinton, the country, media and congress would not have given a damn about how the files were acquired, they just would have hung or impeached the implicated.
NOW a story breaks (a while ago – the files leaked by repubs) and the dems are in hot water for exposed strategies to block judicial nominees. but nowadays, who cares?
old days they woulda hung the dems.
now they do an investigation into how the files were hacked within the white house.
and even Orin KKK Hatch is out saying he’s mortified. and senior leahy’s calling it criminal.
again, the story’s not the democrats manipulating public opinion on judicial appointments — but republicans for having hacked into the dems computers.
cyber shades of watergate.
third strike-out on the tide-has-turned team for today’s inning.

if you think about how any one of these would have played out under any other recent president, you see my point about this guy being done, lethally off his game, and a country and media who have turned against him.
people and the press are so ready, nee inclined, nee now pre-disposed, to believe the worst about this president — and it was so strongly the opposite for bush’s first three years.
it’s a hard backlash, right at the wrong time.
for him.
just in time for history and humanity.


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