Journal of a Teen – Please critique – my first work… not complete

by dinah15

Posted to Stories on 2002-02-08 19:36:00


Art class. Started out like any usual 8th period, me trudging up the stairs to the room, barely entering after Ty.
Ty. Well, I’ve liked him since the night before I went to the Annual Carnival in North Mankato. My sister and her fiancee took me to the best pizza place in Mankato: Pagliai’s. Many some pizzas were scarfed down joyously with my friends and me before, and will continue to be eaten until I fear they go out of business. Straying from the point. Anna and Phillip took me to eat a taco pizza at Pagliai’s. Among all of my peers, Pag’s is a social hangout. Upon entering the restaurant I see a large table filled with people I know. Ellen, Lewis, Luke, Ty, Katie, and Ana. They saw me before I had a chance to duck away.
“Hey Dinah! How’s it going?” rang Katie’s voice.
Dammit . . . “Hey guys,” I say cheerfully as I walk over to their table. “How’s it going?” I felt like a complete fool because the night before my friends and I had a hair braiding party, and my tresses were decked in braids.
“Not too bad,” wow! Ty’s voice sure did deepen since last time I talked to him, “how is it with you?” he questioned, eying me in my fourth of July decor – red shorts with white and pink flowers, and a blue old navy T-shirt with a flag on it
“Oh, it’s all right,” he motioned to my hair and I reached up forgetting the messy braids from having slept on them all night. I laugh.
“Lindsay and Katri braided them last night!” I answer embarrassed that they are all now looking at my hair. Ellen assures me that they are cute. Of course they are, I think. You don’t have to tell me what is cute or not. I can make my own decisions!
“Thanks,” I reply. I’ve never been good at taking complements.
“Hey, who is that with you?” I see Ana waving her arm out to where Anna and Phillip are standing, trying to act like in deep conversation. I reply that Anna is my sister, and Phillip is my soon to be brother-in-law. Then I casually mention that Anna is going to have a baby.
“Oh, cute! Is it a girl or a boy?” Ana’s voice asks genuinely.
By this time I have motioned for Anna and Phillip to come over to say hello to everyone.
“So, is your baby gonna be a girl or a boy?” Ana asks to Anna.
“Well, we don’t know,” Anna says, “we want it to be a surprise!”
“What are you going to name it?” This time Katie spoke.
“Well, we are not too sure what we are going to call it, and hopefully before it arrives in late November we will have reached our final ideas. But right now we are thinking about Elliot for a girl, and Thor for a boy, after my dad.” At the comment about our dad, I look down. I didn’t want to see if they all did remember that my dad died when I was nine months old.
Lewis bursts out, “I remember me and Ty found a baby raccoon by the Fillin. ‘Member that Ty?”
“Yeah, dude!” And they both laughed together. I took this as a good time to say my ‘see ya laters’ and all the friendly stuff, and quickly escorted my family to a booth in the back.


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