Timothy’s War

by Desmond Wolf

Posted to Stories on 2002-02-19 19:34:00

Timothy’s War
An Immediate Articulation
Desmond Wolf

The sound of a train in motion on a distant track was present. Stacy was sleeping on her left side. Her hair was pulled back into a braid chocked by a rubber band. The covers came to her waist leaving her spaghetti strap tank top, upper back, neck, ear, and face cold. The dog shared her pillow. Timothy was asleep on his stomach grinding his teeth. His left arm tucked under his chest. The headboard creaked with the vice of his grip. Timothy woke blinking until his eyes adjusted to the glow of the night-light. He took his right hand off the headboard and exercised the numbness by making and unmaking a few fists. He watched the creases in the palm of his hand appear and disappear as he waved his fingers. Timothy yawned and laid his arm over Stacy and went back to sleep. They rested in peace until the alarm clock…

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.