It’s funny

by bobby.f.m

Posted to Stories on 2002-11-10 02:08:00

Parent message is 316714
how you’ll be walking along the road, minding your own business, and the words ‘deposition of an eye witness’ just pops into your head, just like that.

The midget, the midget…? Not convinced. The ‘deposition…’ worked better because it was silly and funny..

Perhaps, hanky love, if you hadn’t worn the old, tight, out-dated gothic clobber, he would have liked you. Or was it you didn’t like him? Or did he have an uncontrollable bowel. Or make snorting noises while he scratched his genitals when he swayed to the music? I’d like to know.
Better luck next time.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.