time for beginnings

by the bastard child

Posted to Stories on 2003-01-12 14:31:00

Wonder at the beauty of the sky as she paints a picture of alligators eating bees and elephants jumping sheep whilst rabbits sail merrily by. Be serenaded by the sounds of the birds in the tree as they chirp chirp chirp. Feel alive as the breeze gently touches your face. It’s long slender fingers delicately playing with your hair. Marvel at the grace of a yellow humming bird as she hums ever so quietly by. Ponder at the bee and the wasp as they dance a tango in mid flight. Back and forth. Back and forth. Laugh at the tickle of the fly as it crawls up your leg. Rise as the sun sets to the west. Dance in the smells of the rose bush as it passes you by. Lament at the fact that he’s not here, but not for long, for remember this is the time of beginnings.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.