i shouldn’t reply

by mtmynd

Posted to Stories on 2004-07-16 14:21:00

Parent message is 681178
…after reading the replies. but since i’ve gotten this far –

i initially felt that your character was wanting to get out of a lousy relationship because they partner was a cold bastard (or bitch, that was never clear).

it led me to think that s/he was waiting for a ride home to make pancakes… that cold bastard wouldn’t even offer to make breakfast!

and then i read the replies and find out ‘he’ is dead. i wonder why she (?) would talk without any alarm at waking up to a dead man… weird. but maybe that’s good. your conversation was well written, for sure. you do that sort of thing well.

[the thesaurus had a nice sub for ‘grimace’ – moue, but i dont know how that is pronounced, but it sounds good when i say ‘mooo’, altho saying it vs writing it would be pretty bizarre. 😉 ]

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.