your fate is to live to one hundred and six and be shot by a jealous woman

by stilltrucking

Posted to Stories on 2002-01-14 10:50:00

Parent message is 95211
sorry to give that impression sometimes i post in the wrong location, rose was very old she had three heart attacksm a severe stroke, diabetes, and then cancer, she was at peace with God and had no fear of death, she died at home which was her last wish, at one point while she was in the hostpital her heart had stopped even though she asked that there be no heroics one of the doctors decided to revive her and put a pacemaker in, i think rose was very disapointed to awake and find herself still in a hospital, at that point we took her home , it is normal for children to survive parents she rests easy on my mind, i just wish i had held her hand or hugged her some physical contact with her when she moved on to God’s golden shore, , you have my prayers. Prayes and the best medical help available that is what i am planing to go with when (brother mother, father all had cancer) or if i have to face it, your line about the friend who has given you the magic ability is genuis. I thank you for all your writting

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