can you tell me how this poem sounds

by Localjazz

Posted to Utterances on 2001-08-20 08:52:00

A thief may steal your wealth,

I am sure it’s not good for his health.

This is all icky,

Instead of freaky.

Assume that they conjure there own,

Instead of being overthrown.

Any angry robber may cause trouble,

Give it up on a double!

So like the man, so golden in life,

May jar with a felon’s knife.

The day and night may be a fright,

Give a serious thought of being might?

A martial hero fist, hits the face,

Without causing a trace.

How rash, how swift to plunge himself in ill,

Disappointed with his frill!

Already lost his best defence,

The benefit of laws which are not dispense.

All that is left is just a gaze,

And nothing seems to faze.

So what can I say only thing left is to be kneeling,

Lift your eyes up at the starry ceiling.

It was his or my fate, that must be forgiven,

In order to flee to Heaven.

A thought runs through the mind, Forgive him for the Crime,

He will never pay with Time!

Life was paid,

And to whom the person relates, the memory fades.

Everyone runs over to fleer and meet,

And find the body of me in the street.

And could I fall?

And so inglorious, after all!

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.