the lightning…

by visions

Posted to Utterances on 2002-03-30 02:35:00

Parent message is 153722
…struck too near me so I felt like Moses with God roaring this place is holy.. and the incredible force of the lightning made me frightened kindof humble in front of a stronger element –and the mobile went mute!!! as if God had warned me I’m on my own, not alone but facing some culmination of decision-making, to define my direction of life –I was the hell of scared there what if God decided to kill me right there on the porch of the changing rooms and the thunder storm continued hours so I’d have died there on my favourite beach near a doc’s sandcastle well that’d have made some difference for the magic maker –would have walked ashamed fearing my God who showed his powers to kill, and to give life –but I decided ok then kill me ’cause my life seemed to be unworthy I jumped from the porch in the middle of the fireworks of lightnings the space all lit white with God’s wrath I began to walk saying prayers please save me this time cause I didn’t know what I did sins –it was my longest ever retreat from my favourite beach –my clothes soaked I walked in huge puddles of water –wished I had a camera to save the beauty of the lightning fireworks –at home next night my fear wasn’t over –living on the topmost floor I was too near that angered God but he saved me — I opened my eyes to a new beauty, wonder of redemption — all this comes to my mind this Easter making me feel…happy to have said this to you, Stark

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